The Bitcoin App is the global Bitcoin community

The Bitcoin App is the home of the global Bitcoin Community. Our mission is to not only enable individual Bitcoiners and groups to drive adoption, but to create a platform where each community member can enjoy their experience with Bitcoin. We are inspired by the ethos of Bitcoin and a more decentralized and more just world. For this reason, revenue derived across the ecosystem from shopping, ticket sales, advertising, subscriptions, and partnerships and sponsorships is distributed to the engaged users on the platform. You the user brings value to social platforms, and you the user should be compensated for the value you bring. By posting, attending local meetups or large scale events, creating local meetup groups, shopping, listening to podcasts and shows, and inviting Bitcoiners to the Bitcoin App, you are helping to spread adoption of the world’s most important technological and monetary advancement in human history. You are helping to create a more free and just world, and you should participate in the value being built in our ecosystem.

The Bitcoin App is proud to be partnered with River and other Community leaders and organizations that inspire our team to work hard everyday to accelerate Bitcoin adoption around the world.

The Bitcoin App is the global Bitcoin community

The Bitcoin App is the global Bitcoin community at your fingertips. Connect, learn from, and meetup with other Bitcoiners. Enjoy the latest news, podcasts, livestreams, and market updates. Shop for Bitcoin merchandise and earn Bitcoin just by using the app.